Long Overdue Update - May I introduce you to my other baby.... PAXELS.COM

Pics: Paxels screen capture at live event. 2nd pic: Fox Cinema kingpins Andy and Dan (and me in the Sean John Suit) at the Paxels Streaming Video Network launch (March 1st, 2010).
I'm shocked as to how long it's been since I've updated my website/blog. One of the reasons is that sometimes I think Social Media can really be tiring, and since with something like Facebook, you get instant interaction (somewhat) in regards to doing events and the such. Also recently, I got injured on my beloved moped and when I haven't been consumed with projects, I've been doing my rehab. And for months and months, I worked exclusively on one main project, and that is PAXELS.COM
PAXELS is the world's first 24 hour streaming "superstation" on the web showing everything from sports, to concerts, to seminars, to movies, to music vids. With a little help from my team on Bay Street, we were able to launch what some people thought could never be done..... my own TV Station!
But besides clearing the legal rights for the material, PAXELS consistantly creates it's own content. With exclusive shows like "The Sports Junkie", my own music program (Late Bar with Dion Conflict), Seminars/Talk shows (Social Networking for Success), "Analog Gallery" (a show featuring local artists, where you can buy their work via paypal), and "Concert Capsule" which features live and retro concerts. A helluva lot of content, pretty good considering I had about 10 cents to get it off the ground. And with more financing, it will really fly.
It also had me develop my editing and directing chops, sometimes shooting 5 different shows, promos, and parts of a show in a day. It really helped me develop my true love, directing, and do it, in abundance!
Here's some pics from out launch, so go over and check it out. We also launched "The POD" (Paxels on Demand) where you can watch some of our shows, live events, etc.
And here's some pics from the launch, which we did at the amazing JPC POST facility in the Junction. Long overdue to our sponsors Boardwalk Chocolates and Cool Brewery for making the night so great!
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