Plesant Distractions

INDEED it’s been quite some time since I last dropped an entry into my blog, hasn’t it? I guess there’s been so much on my place since that time. There’s been more film screenings, a DVD release, a new issue of KITK, the pre-production of a film shoot, the pre-production of a pilot, some interviews, some TV, all on top of my normal work schedule.
However, there has been some pleasant distractions. As we approach the Christmas season, there’s always some time for good cheer. My first party was an invite from the Consulate of Finland to celebrate Finland’s “Independence Day” (and no, not their version of the Sci-Fi cheezefest with Wil Smith). Adding more mileage to my Nairobi suit, my date (A blond female hockey referee!) and friends headed to the beautiful ballroom in Central East Toronto. Shots of Finlandia Vodka sat in a huge 3 foot block of ice while delicious smoked salmon sat in the round table. My biggest regret was not bringing a camera, but luckily Paula had taken some pics.
Also, awhile back I got to do a screening in London, JUST as the DVD came out. My last visit to London was a visit during a tour with PARADE playing the Embassy Club (I think?) which was in a desolate street where we had bad Ethiopian food and a so-so turnout (However, I did find a great book store where you could buy a 8mm film loop of “Serena: An Adult Fairy Tale”!!). Mihai drove while my Finn reporter friend Emma helped fold KITK’s and sing DINGO and ULTRA BRA.
The people of London were really nice, having met most of the crowd. Afterwards, we got asked by some roughed up queen in front of a gay bar if Emma and I were selling cookies (!!! – We had a box of DVD’s) and then Mihai, Emma and I enjoyed INCREDIBLE Greek food from one of the downtown trailers, similar to the kind of “Grilli” you see in Finland or Chip Trucks you see in Durham Region. Damn that souvlaki was good.
Otherwise, I’m preparing for Christmas…and doing a poor job of it this year for sure! It’s just been overload on too many things.
But I’m going to try to get back on track with blogging! Hope everyone’s doing good!
Photo: Skot from No-Frequency Media and Mihai adjust the projectors at the London screening (Courtesy: Emma Ovaskainen)