Feeling GREEN

(Right: Julie Faris and Monty @ Propeller Center for the Performing and Visual Arts - Toronto, ON)
The flu has been passing around Toronto here like the wind. Not like SARS or Avian however. I went from walking around enjoying Sunday (temp around +16C) to sniffling, feeling dizzy, and just wanting to hang out in bed while watching JUDGE JUDY.
Last night however I rushed home, brushed my teeth, grabbed some laundry to go to the cleaners, and headed out. Not to grab some more cough medicine with codeine, but to see the artwork of my pal Julie Faris.
Julie had a show where she painted portraits of local artists and how she explained it, artists that you wouldn’t think would be getting portraits done (such as Monte Cantsin). This was her best work yet, and I was really proud of her for getting the whole thing together while being busy with her new baby, etc. Plus, she made the friggin hummus as it was an opening! How come any of my friends that are photographers or painters make kick-ass hummus? By all means go check this out at PROPELLER, located a little bit East of Queen/Ossington.
Things have been kind of quiet this week, as I think I’ve just been trying to figure out how to rid this cold, and get a little rest.
I must be sick if I watching trash like “American Idol”, “Nanny 9-1-1”, and “The Much Music VJ Search” which makes me embarrassed to be Canadian, or would make me pine to watch TRAIN 48 reruns.
It’s St. Patty’s today as well. The statistic in today’s paper is that 68% of Torontonians don’t celebrate the holiday. I did. I used Irish Cream coffee whitener.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!