HUNKA JUNK 5 + KOTI = NYT! / Halloween Screenings

(Above: Ad for Night Visions Program - Finland)
Well, I have been slack AGAIN with updating my blog but I always think to myself "Who reads this?" but apparently some of you do as I got a couple e-mails saying "PLEASE update your blog!" Well, tassa se on! ;)
I guess there's news on the CONFLICT ARCHIVES front here that I will be doing a screening of HUNKA JUNK 5 here in Toronto on November 23rd. In some ways, it feels kind of weird. For over a year, I've been screening in Finland and now, it feels like I'm coming back home. But on some grounds it's kind of exciting. A new cinema, hopefully new faces and yeah, I'm a big fan of "new"! LOL!
Halloween was always a fun time for screenings here. But I dunno, so far I don't know what to see as far as public screenings are going. EVIL DEAD is showing, but I've seen it plenty of times before. HOUSE OF WAX in 3-D is showing while I love 3-D, the film plays kind of slow. Perhaps I'm dreaming of a screening of some trashy 80's slasher flick just to shake up the city a bit. But it might only get 20 people. It looks like I might have a meeting in another attempt to direct a new music video that night anyhow.
During my last visit to Western New York, we saw all kinds of freaky Halloween type things. One that was pretty interesting was a foam coffin with skeleton and sound effects. The whole gaudy contraption was well worth the $45 price tag at K-mart. BIG LOTS had this nasty rat in a huge rat trap that squirmed and squaled when you pressed a button. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't like rodents, so that won't be on my shopping list.
But you know I'll be stocking up on all that 50% off candy the day after.