Again, it's been a stretch of time that I've got to write about film events that happened, or the follow up, including SHOCK AND AWE
In June, just before the SHOCK AND AWE madness, I went to Ottawa to another screening of HUNKA JUNK 6, the first time I've done a screening in Ottawa this decade (I actually had shown some background films there with Digital Poodle back in the 90's, but not as a showcase).
Playing 2 nights, HUNKA JUNK 6 had some serious competition being a well pushed screening for the unwatchable TROLL 2 (which I'm not a fan of, but GHOULIES 2 is a different story!). Driving up seemed somewhat long, but I got to Ottawa for the midnight screening on the Saturday and the people had a good time. After a flub with my accomodations, at 3am I headed to my bed and breakfast to crash for the night, a former Cuban consulate (!!). In the morning, drinking coffee and eating fresh strawberries, I talked with some folks there who were studying doctors, working on their masters in Dermocology. One was from St John, Newfoundland and the other from Edmonton, Alberta. We discussed the recession in our cities (and think the media had blown things out of proportion) then afterwards I explored the city and also searched for a helmet for my new scooter (which I could go ON about but I'll spare you). After my Sunday show, I hit the road to return my rental car for the 9am due date. It was a very strange ride home before getting on the 401 with my car being the only one on the road, except for 2 rental moving vans.
Back home, it was time to deal with preparations for SHOCK AND AWE. There was great press coverage in the Toronto Star, Metro, Blogto, and various other media outlets.
Our turnout was good, but hell, I'm always wanting to have a sell-out Toronto show. But the folks that came were ready for an all-night ride ready to be entertained. I came into the show, very tired and only got my 2nd wind around 7am. The films played pretty well and I got to meet so many nice people that I hadn't met before. When we wrapped up and cleaned the theatre, the Fox boys, Tim and myself hopped in Daniel's home ready to crash.
What was interesting afterwards was how the two shows kind of merged into something afterwards. I had pitched in Ottawa to bring SHOCK AND AWE there, and earlier this month, they kind of "borrowed" the idea of the "all night festival" including the mystery movie. I guess copying is a form of flattery and I had told the Fox boys that it would be a matter of time before someone would knock-off my creation. Ho well.
But both shows were good fun and I got to meet great folks. It was the first time in SOME time I gave intro's strictly in English! Hahahahaha!