A Long Overdue Update / Twitter
Life provides us with some interesting twists and turns....
It's been some time since my last posting on here, and I can say it's very simple, yet somewhat complicated.
Awhile back, I was involved in an accident. I was driving my moped when all of a sudden a Toyota truck side-swiped me, dragging me about 4 meters, and stopping about a meter from my head. My head was actually turned that I could see the back tire, not too far from my face. Luckily my handlebars caught on something while it dragged me, otherwise I would have fallen beforehand and run over, and more than likely, dead.
This little brush of death has you analyse many things in your life, and you realise that life itself is a gift that we should never take for granted, as it can be gone in a heartbeat. Even doing a year of physiotherapy, I'm glad that I still am able to approach life's bigger challenges, and am ready with plenty of gusto.
Some great things are planned for this year, which marks the 20th anniversary of the CONFLICT ARCHIVES which by far has exceeded what I would have imagined the first time I was asked to share some of my collection during an industrial concert in the back room of the Rivoli. With many tours, countries, continents, cities.
I'm happy to also say, I am now on Twitter. If you want to follow me, get at me at @DionConflict
Hope you are all getting ready for summer! And let it be your best yet!