How come there's no turkey shaped pinatas?

LEFT: My cousin's kid clobbers a pinata
BELOW: Uncle Bill has LOTS of squash from his garden

My cousin Jackie with a scarecrow from the garden (left)

A cute photo of my Cousin's husband Greg and their little boy I call "bubby" (LEFT)
I didn't get too much sleep today, but last night I did finally tweak up a version of my script, which is great (my draft is a mix of a shooting script and a first draft). Regardless, it came in exactly at the number of pages I wanted, so it's all good.
The sun was up and after sipping some java hit my parents screened patio and for a second, it reminded me of spending a morning at our old house in Florida my Grandfather had. It was going to be a nice day, as we loaded up and went to my Grandparents for Candian Thanksgiving.
I'll do a little bit of a photo "show-and-tell" to explain the rest of the day....
I was there for a photo shoot for my Grandparents. An aunt of mine is looking to make a calendar of all the relatives and offspring with a photo of us for each month of the year. It was a nice idea. On the drive up, I ask my Mom who the photographer was. She informed me that everyone was taking photos. It had taken a bit for it all to sink in, "whaa? no professional photographer??" Sometimes when you work in a world where you're use to creating media and always look for the best in the field, you can sometimes overlook just having simple fun, which is what it was. For some reason when I stood by my Aunt Patty for the month of February, something struck our funnybone as we were giggling just like kids, who were playing with a pinata or something.
Our families all did turkey dinner in my Grandparents basement with another Aunt who does meals for a retirement home running the procedure. It went off without a hook, and the food always at these things is incredible. I swear we must have been Eastern European or something in another life because all my relatives were egging me on to eat more.
It was a fun day, and a good change from the usual "detail" of my life, involving meetings, my day job, and more meetings. The leaves up in the Central Ontario area have turned a golden red with some green foilage as well. My Mother commented, "I can't believe some people from Toronto have never been up this way." And that I would have to agree.
So to all my friends around the world, Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!
(PS: I had grabbed this digital pics with a cheapie digital camera that I got my Mom for Mother's Day one year to see if she would "like it" or use it. Not bad pics for a $29 investment eh?)